
In 2023, the Oregon Legislature passed House Bill 3409, establishing an Energy Performance Standard policy for commercial buildings, often referred to as a Building Performance Standard (BPS). ODOE is conducting rulemaking and public stakeholder outreach through multiple phases during program rule development in 2024. If you would like, please weigh in on the following questions related to the March 21, 2024 public meeting. ODOE will offer separate comment portals as we progress through rulemaking and each section of draft rules.

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Do you have any general comments on Building Performance Standards and their planned application in Oregon?

Do you have any comments on ODOE's planned process for stakeholder engagement for rulemaking (Rulemaking Advisory Committee, general public stakeholder meetings)?

Do you have any comments on ASHRAE Standard 100-2024 and its application for Oregon?

Are you interested in being involved on an advisory committee for Tier 2 Buildings (multifamily residential, hospitals, schools, dormitories, or university buildings)? If so, please provide which sector and organization you represent.