The Oregon Department of Energy accepts comments at various phases of projects that fall under the jurisdiction of the Energy Facility Siting Council (EFSC). Comments may be submitted in a variety of ways: through our public comment portal, emails, letters, etc. The agency consolidates these comments regardless of the source into a database which can be accessed through this webpage. You may use the menu choices on the left to narrow your search by Project, Phase, Comment Source, or Date Range, and then click Apply Filter. If your selection results in more comments than can be displayed on one screen, use the navigation numbers or arrows at the bottom of the screen to scroll through the pages. To display a comment, either click on the comment ID hyperlink or click on the small arrow symbol (˅) to the right of the comment to view the comment. To view attachments, scroll to the bottom of the comment; any attachments that are part of the comment will be displayed. Click on the attachment to download, then open the downloaded file to view the attachment.
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