Community Renewable Energy Grant Program

Application Portal is Closed to New Round 3 Applications

​Welcome to the application menu page for Oregon Department of Energy’s Community Renewable Energy Grant Program. If you are unfamiliar with the details of the program, please start by review the information on the program website: Eligible applicants for a Community Renewable Energy Grant are Oregon Tribes, public bodies, and consumer-owned electric utilities.

Below are links to the current opportunity announcements for this open period.

Prior to selecting an application from the menu below: Review the opportunity announcement that matches your project and prepare your application information before starting an application. Applicant resources, including application user guides are available on the program website.

 Applications are due by 5:00pm on May 10, 2024.

​Application Rules:
-Only one draft application at a time is allowed for each type (planning and construction).
-An application remains in draft until submitted and may be edited or submitted any time before the deadline.
-Before the deadline a submitted application may be withdrawn or amended (edited).
-An application in Amending status must be submitted prior to the deadline to be considered.
-After the application deadline, unsubmitted applications (status of Draft or Amending) only have the View option.


Need Support?
Contact us: or 1-800-221-8035, and ask for a C-REP team member.