
In 2023, the Oregon Legislature passed House Bill 3409, establishing an Energy Performance Standard policy for commercial buildings, often referred to as a Building Performance Standard (BPS). ODOE is working with a Rulemaking Advisory Committee and conducting rulemaking and public stakeholder outreach through multiple phases during program rule development in 2024. The Tier 2 Covered Buildings Reporting Requirements Appendix defines the information and timelines associated energy benchmarking for Tier 2 buildings. If you would like, please weigh in on the draft Tier 2 Covered Buildings Reporting Requirements Appendix using the comment field(s) below. Alternatively, written comments may be mailed to Blake Shelide ( and Wendy Simons (

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Do you have any comments on the proposed language in the "Tier 2 Covered Buildings Reporting Requirements" appendix of the draft Building Performance Standards rules?